


Welcome to El-Zahraa American School

The administration at El Zahraa American School believes strongly in maintaining a positive partnership with teachers and staff so that everyone is working together to provide the very best educational opportunities for all students and to have a positive work environment.

We hope that you find this handbook useful. It is designed to give information about the systems and policies of our school.

If you have any questions or concerns, please take time to discuss them with the administration. If you are pleased with something we have done, please let us know about that too!

We are committed to providing the very best for all of our teachers and staff. Any suggestions you have on how we can improve our work will be gratefully appreciated.

El Zahraa American School values, encourages and celebrates the process of learning through development of self-worth, the appreciation of others, active involvement in the development of the community and acquisition of skills for lifelong learning, thus creating opportunities for all to succeed.


El Zahraa American School recognizes that the capabilities and conduct of teachers greatly affect the quality of education provided students in the American Division. Students deserve, and the general public expects, each teacher to demonstrate a commitment to excellence, equity and effectiveness in performing the role and responsibilities of a teacher. The purpose of the Teacher Code of Conduct is to define appropriate standards of conduct for teachers in El Zahraa American School.

Staff Handbook 2023-2024

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