
To the Students…

This Student Handbook may at first seem complicated and detailed. However, you should always remember this simple and basic rule: success in school is usually a matter of making proper choices in critical situations. You may face circumstances and problems that will seem overwhelming to you, but if you use sound judgment, ask for help when you need it and do your part to support the school rules. Success can be yours. You can begin by asking yourself four simple but essential questions:

(1) What are my personal choices?
(2) Who can help me?
(3) What will happen if I fail to abide by the rules and regulations?
(4) What will happen if I obey all the rules and regulations?

(1) What are my personal choices?
You must accept the responsibility for your own behavior and respect the rights of others. The mastery of self-control is the most important requirement for success in school. Once you have made these important personal choices, you can appreciate how success is tied to attending all classes, following directions and refusing alcohol, tobacco and drugs.

(2) Who can help me?
Each employee in the school is committed to do everything possible to make your learning environment comfortable and productive. School personnel are available to help you through meaningful instructions, to give effective guidance in making social and career choices, to keep your building clean and functioning, to keep unwanted people and materials out, and to provide services such as transportation and extracurricular activities. This is available to you. All you need to do is ask for it.

(3) What will happen if I fail to abide by the rules and regulations?
Failing to abide by the rules will result in some form of disciplinary action. Depending on the seriousness or frequency of the violation, the discipline may vary from simple teacher detention to suspension or recommendation for expulsion. Remember, failing to follow the rules may result in your failing to receive an education.

(4) What will happen if I obey all of the rules?
The ability to start and finish something successfully is a very positive character trail. Not only does it say that you are rational, mature, and dependable, but it also says that to prospective employers as well. Following the rules means a successful graduation.

General attendance Information

1. The high school is in session from 7:45 a.m. until 2:15 p.m.
2. Students who arrive before 7:45 a.m. are to wait in the garden.
3. Student should not be in any other area of the building without permission prior to 7:45 a.m.
4. If a student is absent from school, a parent must call the office to inform the school of the student’s absence.
5. If the school has not been notified, the school will contact the parents by phone to inform them of the student’s absence from school.
6. Absence more than 2 days will affect student’s G.P.A. The following conditions may excuse a student from school attendance:
1) Personal illness or injury, (a doctor’s certificate may be required by the school principal)
2) Observance of religious holiday.
3) Death of an immediate family member (a parent, brother, sister, grandparent, aunt, or uncle) limited to three (3) days, unless reasonable cause can be shown for a longer absence.
1. يبدأ اليوم الدراسي من الساعة 7:45 وينتهي الساعة 2:15 ظهرا.
2. عند وصول الطلاب قبل الساعة 7:45 ينتظر الطلاب في فناء المدرسة.
3. لا يسمح للطلاب بالتواجد بأي منطقة اخرى عدا الفناء حتى تمام الساعة 7:45
4. لن يسمح للطلاب بالتواجد خارج فصولهم باي حال من الاحوال إلا بتصريح من ناظر المرحلة او وكيل المرحلة اثناء اليوم الدراسي.
5. في حالة غياب الطالب يجب على ولي الامر الاتصال بالمدرسة للإبلاغ عن غياب نجله.
6. في حالة عدم إبلاغ ولي الامر سوف تقوم المدرسة بالإتصال لمعرفة سبب الغياب.
7. في حالة غياب الطالب أكثر من يومين سوف يخصم هذا الغياب من الGPA .
8. حالات الغياب المقبولة من المدرسة ولن يتم الخصم من ال GPA :
1. الحالات المرضية للطالب مع تقديم شهادة طبية لمديرة المدرسة.
2. الأعياد الدينية.
3. حالات الوفاه للقرابة من الدرجة الأولى لفترة لا تتعدى 3 أيام.
Absence Guidelines
The following conditions are considered an excused absence.
1. Personal illness or injury. (Doctor’s certificate may be required.)
2. Observance of a religious holiday.
3. Death of an immediate family member.
تعتبر الحالات الآتية غياب بعذر:
1. الحالات المرضية.
2. الاعياد الدينية.
3. حالات الوفاه.
1. لن يسمح بدخول الطالب الى المدرسة بعد الساعة 8:00 صباحا إلا بخطاب من ولي الامر به اسباب التأخير.
2. في حالة تكرار الطالب للتأخير بحد أقصى 5 تأخيرات سوف يفصل داخليا في مكتبة المدرسة لآداء اعماله المدرسية.
3. في حالة استمرار الطالب على التأخير يتم استدعاء ولي الامر إلى المدرسة لمناقشة اسباب التأخير وسوف تخصم هذه التأخيرات من درجات الGPA .
• في حالة قبول عذر الطالب لغيابه سوف يأخذ نفس عدد ايام الغياب لعمل جميع المهام المدرسية المطلوبة منه
• في حالة غياب الطالب لمدة يوم دراسي واحد سيخضع لإمتحان مفاجئ يوم عودته
• في حالة فشل الطالب في تحضير المهام المدرسية الخاصة بيوم الغياب لن تحتسب له الساعات او الامتحانات التي تمت في ايام غيابه
 Extra-curricular participation
Students with an absence excuse will have the same number of days to make up work as they have been absent from school (i.e., if a student is absent three school days, he has three school days after his/her return to make up work). A student who is absent one school day is required to take “pop quizzes” the day he/she returns. Unmissed work due to an absence excuse may not be made up.
Students who fail to bring documentation for absence will not receive credit for missed work and assigned school discipline.
Late arrival:

 Classes begin at 7:45 AM; students must be in class and prepared for class work.
 Students who arrive at 8:15 AM are considered late and must report to the Principal’s office for permission to enter class.
 Any student who arrives at 8:16 AM will not be allowed to enter the school campus. This will be considered an unexcused absence and zeros will be given for any missed class work or exams for the day.
 The following are examples of what will be considered excused late arrivals:
*Family Emergencies.
*Bus situations.
• يبدأ اليوم الدراسي الساعة 7:45 صباحا وعلى الطلاب التواجد في فصولهم استعدادا لبدء اليوم الدراسي.
• في حالة دخول الطالب الساعة 8:15 يتوجه الى مكتب مديرة المدرسة لآخذ الموافقة بالدخول.
• لن يسمح بتاتا بدخول الطالب من بوابة المدرسة بعد الساعة 8:16 ويعتبر الطالب هذا اليوم غياب بدون عذر وليس له حق في اي امتحانات او درجات تم آخذها في المدرسة هذا اليوم.
• التأخير المسموح به:
1. المرض المفاجئ (يحضر الطالب ما يثبت ذلك)
2. الحالات العائلية الطارئة (يحضر الطالب ما يثبت ذلك)
3. تأخير الأتوبيس المدرسي عن المدرسة.

In School Illness
If you become ill during school, ask your teacher for a pass to the Attendance or Nurse’s Office. The school must obtain parental permission in order for a student to be released from school due to illness. Students are required to sign out in the Attendance Office to go home and provide a parental note upon returning to school. Being ill in the restroom for any extended period of time will not be accepted as an excuse to miss class (es).

Sick Student Policy

Our policy is that children may not attend school if any of the following symptoms are present:

*Lice: Hair must be washed with medicated shampoo and be free of all nits, before child may return to school.

*Fever: Children should remain home if they have an above-normal temperature.

*Conjunctivitis: “Pink-eye” is highly contagious. A child may return only after a health care provider signs a release and the child is free of symptoms.

*Rashes: Unidentified rashes must be diagnosed by a health care provider.

*Impetigo: Red pimples which become small pustules. Your child must be seen by a health care provider.

*Diarrhea: Two days in a row or three times in one day at school.
*Vomiting: Repeated forceful evacuation with other symptoms or the child’s inability to eat.

*Any unusual discomfort on the part of the child as an earache or other pain that causes the child to cry and creates major discomfort.

*Any other contagious conditions: measles, chicken pox, mumps, whooping cough, and streptococcal infections that are still contagious.

By strictly adhering to our policy on sick children, we will minimize the number of days that your child and our staff are sick. These procedures will result in healthier children and staff. Children may not bring or administer any medication (including cough drops, aspirin, etc.) on their own. The school nurse is available to help you according to the list of medications for your child. All medicines must be prescribed by a physician and have the child’s name on the container. The nurse will follow the instructions on the label.

Hygiene: Students are expected to maintain good personal hygiene and grooming.

Attendance Failure
All teachers must notify the administration in writing after the student has been out of class three (3) times in a nine- week grading period, but it is the student’s responsibility to be aware of the number of days he/she has missed in each class. Parents should be aware that their child will fail the nine-week grading period upon the sixth (6th) absence. Grades earned in a course in which a student has failed because of attendance will be replaced with a grade of “F”.

1. Personal illness
2. A visit to a medical professional. A note from the professional is required.
3. Immediate death in the family.
4. Lack of proper immunizations or waiver (one day only).
5. Emergency
6. Observance of a religious holiday.
7. Pre-planned and approved educational field trips or college visits.
8. Court appearance required must show proof.
9. Out-of-school suspensions (a student who is suspended is absent but counted as an absence excuse for reporting purposes).
All other absences are classified as unexcused. Long term absences for legitimate reasons will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Incentive Programs
The objectives of the following incentive program are to: decrease tardiness; increase attendance and improve student’s grades.
1) Attendance: (Golden Card)
Students who have perfect attendance during a grading Period will be awarded a “Gold/Platinum Card” which entitles them to one (1) “free absence.”

The following restrictions apply to the use of the “Gold/Platinum Card”:
1. Students must have their parent’s permission in writing.
2. All teachers must approve the absence on the acknowledgement form.
3. The card is not transferred to another student.
4. To be eligible for this incentive, absences must not exceed the Five- Class Period Rule for that grading period.
5. The cards may not be used during the last two weeks of the trimester.
6. Cards must be used within the same school year, except for those who earned them during the last Quarter. (Cards must be used in the first Quarter of the new school year).

2) Tardiness: (Blue Card)
Students who are not tardy to school during a grading period will be awarded a “Blue Card” which entitles them to one “free tardy” to school for any tardy that may incur the following grading period. The “Blue Card” is not transferable to another student.
3) Breaking school policies:
 Brown Card: for students who don’t follow school policies or breaking school rules.
 Red Card: for students who take brown card twice, which means that his/her parent will show up in school.

We believe that homework is to provide additional practice on previously introduced skills and to enrich classroom experiences. Homework includes activities such as brief drills, reading, collecting information, sharing ideas with parents, and providing projects/assignments in which students must utilize their time in creative thought.
The amount of homework assigned varies based on the student’s grade level. Whenever possible, teachers will assign homework to allow time for the students to participate in family and community activities. An additional purpose of homework is to encourage the student to develop effective study skills, self discipline, work ethic, and individual discovery habits that are integral and indispensable elements of a quality education. The student is responsible for understanding homework expectations before leaving school and for completing the assignment on time.
As parents, you should support your child’s need to do his or her homework by providing space, supplies and help schedule homework time. Your child might ask for clarification on an assignment, but avoid providing answers or getting directly involved in the work. Teachers need to assess how well the students understand the subject matter.
Locker Assignment
Students will be assigned a locker at the beginning of the school year. The student will be responsible for cleaning and maintaining the locker. One key is kept with the student and one with the administration office. Problems with lockers should be immediately reported to the administration.

In order to protect personal belongings, each locker must be kept locked and used only by the assigned student. Students violating the locker policy may be issued school discipline. At the end of each academic year, the keys shall be returned to the administration office.

 يتم تسليم الطالب ال locker الخاص به في بداية العام الدراسي.
 يتم تسليم الطالب نسخة من المفاتيح والنسخة الاخرى في الإدارة.
 في حالة حدوث اي مشكلة يتم إبلاغ الإدارة.
 يجب على الطالب التأكد من غلق ال lockers الخاص به للحفاظ على الأشياء الموجودة بداخله.
 اي طالب يقوم بخرق التعليمات الخاصة بال lockers يعرض نفسه للعقاب المدرسي.
 يجب تسليم ال locker والمفتاح آخر العام الدراسي للإدارة.
 يجب دفع مصاريف الإصلاحات إذا حدث اي ضرر للlocker
Valuable Personal property
Personal property including, but not limited to, iPods, laptops, recorders, CD, MP3 and tape players, pagers, jewelry, electronic games, etc. should not be brought to school by students during school hours. The school will NOT be responsible for the loss of any personal property.

Chewing Gum and Candy
Students are not permitted to chew gum inside the classroom
The telephone in the Main Office is for business use only. Permission WILL NOT be given to a student to call home for forgotten supplies or to communicate social plans after school hours.

Cell Phones / Beepers / Telephonic Devices
The school recognizes the need of students to have access to a telephone to coordinate after-school activities with parents, etc. Therefore, students at ZAS must deliver his/her mobile phone to the social worker at the beginning of the school day and receive it back at the end of the day. If a cell phone, pager, or other telephonic device is discovered during the school day, it will be removed from the student’s possession and turned over to the social worker.
The social worker or designee shall maintain a record identifying the item confiscated and the student from whom it was taken. All items confiscated are maintained in a secure (locked) space.
Confiscated cell phones, pagers, or other telephonic devices will only be returned to the parent or guardian, unless the item was discovered during or in relation to another offense. Cell phones, pagers, or other telephonic devices will not be returned to the students. It is the responsibility of the parent to make arrangements to pick up the confiscated item within one month. Please call ahead of time to make sure the social worker or designee is available.

 يتم تسليم الموبايل الخاص بالطالب الى الاخصائي الاجتماعي المسئول في اول اليوم الدراسي ويتسلمه بعد انتهاء اليوم الدراسي.
 في حالة عدم تسليمه او إحتفاظ الطالب بالموبايل اثناء اليوم الدراسي سوف يتم سحبه من الطالب وعدم تسليمه إلا بولي الامر.
The following disciplines will result in violation of this policy:
1. First offense will result in mobile phone being confiscated and returned to student at the end of the day.
2. Second offense will result in mobile phone being confiscated and returned only to the student’s parent.
3. Third offense will result in mobile phone being confiscated and returned to the student at the end of the academic school year.

Internet—Terms and Conditions of Use
1. Acceptable Use- The purpose of the backbone networks making up the Internet is to support research and education in and among academic institutions by providing access to unique resources and the opportunity for collaborative work. The use of computers must be in support of education and research and consistent with the educational objectives of Al Zahraa School. Use of other organization’s network or computing resources must comply with the rules appropriate for that network. Transmission of any material in violation of any national or state regulation is prohibited. This includes but not limited to: copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material, or material protected by trade secret.
2. Privileges- The use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right. Inappropriate use will result in a cancellation of these privileges. The system administrators will deem what is inappropriate use and their decision is final. The administration, faculty, and staff of Al Zahraa School may request the system administrator to deny, revoke, or suspend specific user access.
3. Network Etiquette- You are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These include (but are not limited to) the following:
a. Be polite. Do not get abusive in your messages to others.
b. Use appropriate language. Do not swear, use vulgarities or any other inappropriate language.
c. Illegal activities are strictly forbidden.
d. Do not reveal your personal address or phone numbers of students or colleagues.
e. Note that electronic mail (e-mail) is not guaranteed to be private. Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities may be reported to the authorities.
f. Do not use the network in such a way that you would disrupt the use of the network by other users.
g. All communications and information accessible via the network should be assumed to be private.
4. Al Zahraa School makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied for the service it is providing. Al Zahraa School will not be responsible for any damages you suffer. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, mis-deliveries, or service interruptions caused by its own negligence or your errors or omissions. Use of any information obtained via the Internet is at your own risk. Al Zahraa School specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through its services.
5. Security- Security on any computer system is a high priority, especially when the system involves many users. If you feel you can identify a security problem on the Internet, you must notify a system administrator or your Al Zahraa School Internet Coordinator. Do not demonstrate the problem to other users. Attempts to logon to the Internet as a system administrator will result in the cancellation of user privileges. Any user identified as a security risk or having a history of problems with other computer systems may be denied access to the Internet.
6. Vandalism- Vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy data of another user, Internet, or networks that are connected to any of the Internet backbones. This includes, but not limited to, the uploading or creation of computer viruses and hardware components.
The following abuses of the computers will result in school discipline based upon the school discipline policy:
1. Altering the condition of the equipment including disconnecting cables, switching keyboards or disassembling mice.
2. Intentional crashing of programs or rearrangement of the hard drive, or damage to hardware/software.
3. Tampering with or changing computer wallpapers, screensavers or settings.
4. Intentional destruction of another student’s computer, work or disk.
5. The unauthorized use of any computer.
Code of Conduct
The image a school portrays is often determined by the behavior of its students and the physical appearance of the building. We must all( students, teachers, administrators, and support staff) show pride by doing our share to make our school a better place to learn and work. One of the main goals of the school staff is to develop self-discipline in all students.
The following rules apply on school premises, school buses or any other school property during school activities at or away from school, or off the school grounds if the situation is initiated at school. Students shall be given due process before disciplinary action is taken.
Any student conduct that will constitute criminal conduct is a violation of the Code of Conduct. A violation of any rule may result in discipline including, but not limited to:
 In-school detention
 Out-of-School Suspension
 Compensatory payment of damages
 Loss of Bus Privileges
 Loss of credit for assigned work or tests
 Assigned work related to the offense

Notice to students: Any violations of the following rules of the Code of Conduct will result in discipline.
1. Disruption of School:
Students shall not, by the use of violence, force, coercion, threat or any other means, cause disruption or obstruction to the normal operation of this school.
2. Harassment:
Students should not harass other students, school employees, persons who are guests of the school or persons conducting business for the school. This includes remarks or actions of a sexual, racial, ethnic or religious nature that are offensive.
3. Threats:
Students should not, through verbal, written, technological or any other means, make statements which state physical or emotional harm that may come to another person or to an institution. Bomb threats will result in expulsion from school.
4. Use of Obscene Language/Materials:
Students shall not use obscene, vulgar or profane language or make inappropriate gestures or possess vulgar materials.

5. Attendance:
Student should not fail to comply with attendance rules including, but not limited to: truancy or tardiness from a specific class or the school. Student should not leave school property or assigned educational location once he/she has come under the supervision of a school employee, prior to dismissal times, without official permission.

6. Forgery:
Students should not misrepresent a signature on any document.
7. Damage of Property:
Students should not cause or attempt to cause damage of school property. Students should not touch or handle another person’s property without that person’s authorization.
8. Assault:
Students should not act or threaten to act in such a way to cause physical injury to other students, any school employee or other persons.
9. Failure to Obey Instructions/Insubordination/Disrespect:
Student should not fail to comply with any instructions or requests of teachers, principals or other authorized personnel during any period of time when he/she is under the authority of the school personnel. Student should not fail to provide information, or supply false information, when it is requested.

10. Dangerous weapons and instruments:
Students should not possess, handle, transmit or conceal any dangerous weapons or instruments on school property, in a school vehicle or at any school-sponsored activity. Students who violated this rule will be expelled. Firearms (including objects that are indistinguishable from and/or represented as firearms, explosives and knives (any object with a blade and a handle) are considered dangerous weapons. Other instruments/devices may also be defined as dangerous weapons depending on their use or intended use. Students should have knowledge of weapons or dangerous instruments on school property, in a school vehicle or at a school-sponsored activity. They should not report it to a school employee, the student may be subjected to the same disciplinary measures as that of the perpetrator.
11. Narcotics, Alcoholic beverages and Drugs:
Students should not possess, use, transmit, conceal, make arrangements to sell, purchase or use the aforementioned items prior to or during school or school function. Look-alike drugs and drug paraphernalia are included and will be dealt with accordingly.
12. Tobacco:
Tobacco, in any form, shall not be carried or used by any student on school property or at school events.
13. Theft:
Students should respect the personal ownership rights of others. The principal may exercise the prerogative of reporting thefts to authorities.
14. Cheating/Plagiarism:
Students should not give or receive unauthorized information regarding class work or class activities, misrepresent the results of researched or laboratory assignments, give or receive unauthorized assistance on assignments. Use of electronic translators without permission is a violation of this rule. Repeated violations may result in failure of academic subjects.
15. Driving:
Students driving a vehicle on school property should follow the rules and regulations established for this privilege. (See Driving Regulations).
16. Dress Code:
Refer to the Dress Code in this book.
17. Inappropriate Display of Affection:
Students should refrain from any and all displays of affection.
18. Unauthorized or Unsupervised Areas:
Students may not be in areas where they have not been authorized or areas that are unsupervised.
19. Computers:
Computers/technology is provided for students use, for teacher-assigned work in courses or programs at the school. (See Computer Usage)
20. Violation of Bus Rules:
Students must follow all bus rules and regulations as outlined in Bus Regulations in this handbook.
21. General Misconduct:
Students shall refrain from throwing objects, gambling, playing cards or being abusive or excessively noisy in their behavior.
Dress Code
El- Zahraa American School is committed to providing a safe, friendly learning environment for its students. Attire is not only a reflection of the individual student, but also of the general learning environment. Therefore, ZAS has adopted a uniform policy that we believe reflects a positive attitude of pride in self and our school.

Failure to comply with the Dress Code is considered to be an insubordinate act and will be treated as such. Following are the procedures for violations of the ZAS Dress Code:

1. First Offense:
Student will be sent to the Office. He/she will change clothes or will be sent home to change his/her clothes. Any missed classes or work cannot be made up and will be treated as an unexcused absence.
2. Second Offense:
It is similar to the 1st offense. In addition, Parents and student will be required to meet with the principal.
3. Third Offense:
Student may be suspended from school.
School Uniform

Summer Uniform:
 Checked shirt
 Blue Jeans
 P.E. training suit
 P.E. striped T. shirt
 Black or white trainers

Winter Uniform:
 Long sleeve-checked shirt
 Blue Jeans
 Pullover
 Dark-black sweat shirt
 P.E. striped T. shirt
 Black or white trainers

Students must be in school uniform through the whole school day.

Computer Usages

Students are encouraged to use the school’s computers/network and the Internet connection for teacher-assigned, educational work. The term computer or computer equipment includes: system units, displays, mouse, keyboards, speakers, microphones, scanners, video projectors, video cameras, printers, hubs, switches, routers, patch panels, wiring, connectors, programs and any other piece of equipment or software which is part of the school’s computer system. Students using the school’s computers are expected to abide by the following rules:

1. Students may only access the network and/or Internet by using their assigned network account. Use of another person’s account/password is not allowed. Students may not allow other users to utilize their passwords. Students may not intentionally seek information on, obtain copies of, or modify files, data or passwords belonging to other users, or misrepresent other users on the network.

2. The Computer Usage Policy must be read and approved in writing by each student and parent. ZAS reserves the right to filter any Internet sites.

3. Students are permitted to use networked software and school-supplied software. Programs written by the student which is part of an assignment in a school’s course of study may be run as required for that course of study’s requirements with teacher supervision.

4. Students should not download programs from the Internet or any portable device. Students should not install or delete programs on the school’s computers.

5. Students should not use the Internet to engage in “hacking” or other unlawful activities.

6. Students should not create keyboard macros in Microsoft Word or any other program. Macros written by the student which is part of an assignment in a school’s course of study may be run as required for that course of study’s requirements with teacher supervision.
7. Students should only use computer programs approved by the classroom teacher.

8. The school staff may review computer files or messages that are created by the students. Material may be reviewed for grading and appropriate content. It may be reviewed for any harassing or threatening material, and/or any vulgar or obscene content.

9. Only the student may work at a single computer. Only a teacher may assign more than one student to work at a single computer.

10. Students are not allowed to send messages over the net or participate in online “chat rooms.” Students should not use any e-mail or instant messaging programs on a school’s computer. A student may only use Internet e-mail when a teacher instructs him/her to do so.

11. Students are not allowed to enter the network’s operating system.

12. Students are not authorized to use school computers to copy programs or disks. A teacher may authorize the copying of student-created work from CD’S to floppy disks.

13. Students should not bring food or drink into computer lab.

14. All copyright laws are to be enforced.

15. Students are not allowed to unplug or change any computer device or network connections.

16. Students are not allowed to change any display screen settings.

17. Students are not allowed to change any program icons on the desktop or Start Menu.

18. Students are not allowed to change any program’s toolbars or settings.

19. Malicious use of the school computers/network to develop programs that harass other users or infiltrate a computer or computer system and/or damage the software components of a computer or computing system is prohibited. Students should not use the school computers/network in such a way that would disrupt their use by others.

20. Students are not allowed to remove, modify, damage or destroy any computer or networking equipment.

21. Students are not allowed to modify or remove any identifying labels on computer equipment.

22. Students are not allowed to modify or remove any printer settings.

23. Students have to advise school staff when they observe any violation of the school’s policy for the use of the school computers.

24. Students have to advise their teacher when a computer malfunctions in any way (example: a diskette cannot be removed from a computer). The teacher will notify the technical support staff so that the PC can be repaired.
Exceptions to the above rules are permitted only under direct teacher supervision. Violations of these rules may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to termination of access to the school computers.

Extra-curricular activities

Extra-curricular activities are available to students who meet eligibility requirements. Students should be alert for announcements of meetings for these activities. Students may be removed from these activities for violations of the Code of Conduct. The student and the parent must sign an Extra¬curricular Behavior Conduct Code form before the student may participate in any extra-curriculum activities.
We encourage every student to participate in one of the many activities that ZAS has to offer.
 School magazine team.
 Broadcast team
 Language team
 Science team
 Social team
 IT team
 Sport team
 Art team
 Music team
 Spanish team

Yesterday, today and forever……….
Striving for excellence

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