Professional Development

Staff development plan:

The school held a number of training workshops for its teaching staff in variety of areas including Methods of teaching, class management, multiple intelligence and learning styles, model lessons.  Effective Learning Environments Observation Tool – ELEOT –was implemented in 2016-2017 as a part of way to make effective learning and to make sure, that all the students are involved in the learning process.

Many of the school staff has increased their English proficiency level from 60% to 75% by attending courses on beginners, intermediate and advanced level.

The school implemented a rubrics method for teachers to assess and evaluate their performance.  Teachers who did not meet the performance expectations are placed in a professional development plan and are provided with additional resources and regular progress reviews.

Teachers are participating in Global conferences in order to develop their teaching and learning skills.  Many of the teachers are pursuing their personal development by enrolling themselves in diploma and master degree programs.

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