School Counselor Department

School counselling team:
The school counselling team is now facilitated in a way that could serve the
students and help them decide their career. Either the psychological or the
Academic counselors are both working hand in hand to draw a parallel line
between the school mission and vision with the student’s goals. In many ways,
the school counselor answers to the needs of the students, the expectations of
students’ parents, and the requirements of their faculty administration. The
growth of the Internet as an educational tool has provided some relief,
however: there is an enormous number of websites which are designed to take
some of the guesswork out of counselling, making the burden a little easier to

Vision & Mission:
• ZAS counselling is committed to encourage each student to see
himself/ herself as worthwhile individual with qualities of
character needed to create a responsible person in the school and
• Vision:
• Achieving excellence in preparing students for college through
engaging and supporting teachers, students, and parents.

Counselors are here to:
1- Outreach to enhance student development
2- Improve the quality of the learning environment
3- Counsel students to meet academic and career goals.
4-Coordinates programs for students with unique goals and needs.
5-Plans and provides outreach programs for high-risk students to
promote retention.

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